The Impact Of Locus Of Control On Job Stress Job Performance And Job Satisfaction In Taiwan. Stress management and job performance in the industries sector of mali. Introductionthe correlation between the job satisfaction and performance has been studied by many researchers because it is of key interest to the entire management in a global setting.
Workplace stress (ws) has been found to affect job satisfaction (js), performance, and turnover intentions (tis) in developed countries, but there is little evidence from other countries and especially rural for the staff with an external locus of control, stress affected jp and satisfaction significantly.
It is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated jobsatisfaction is an emotional response to a job.job satisfaction in regards to ones feeling or from the job itself and extrinsic rewards are under the control of management such as salary, bonus etc. Job stress is important for two reasons, one economic and one humanitarian. The impact of locus of control on job stress, job performance and job satisfaction in taiwan, leadership and organizational developmentjournal, 29 , 572. Journal of personal selling and sales management, 31(3).
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